Isla Pacheca, Las Perlas, Panama

As we approached Las Perlas Islands this morning, we appreciated the beauty of these islands. We had the chance to disembark on a beautiful white sand paradise, a point of land of what otherwise was a steep cliff-walled island called Pacheca. While some of us enjoyed our last opportunity to snorkel, others just lay down on this amazing white beach surrounded by turquoise transparent waters.

After another wonderful lunch and a well deserved siesta, we got ready for a Zodiac cruise around the island of Pacheca as well as “Pachequilla” (small Pacheca), where we were amazed by the large colonies of magnificent frigatebirds, brown pelicans, blue footed and brown boobies and black-crowned night herons. Also we got to see the evasive American oystercatcher and the bare-throated tiger heron.

We made it back to the ship just in time for cocktails, which we enjoyed on the sun deck of the Sea Voyager while the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. Recap concluded the obvious: another great day in paradise.