Coiba National Marine Park, Panama

Today was a day to remember. It all started with the full moon setting at sunrise over the remote tropical island of Coiba. An early wake-up call urged us all out on deck just in time to witness this lunar spectacle.

Isla Coiba is Panama’s newest National Park and, in fact, also one of the world’s largest marine parks. Our plan was to spend the entire day here, first on land, then in or on the water. Before breakfast a group of us went ashore at the Park Headquarters to explore for birds. We hadn’t even made it to shore when one of our keen-eyed naturalists spotted a pair of king vultures perched high atop the forest canopy. Once on shore we set up spotting scopes for even a better look at the vultures. Then we set off on a short loop trail around the peninsula where we observed a variety of tropical birds including the mangrove and roadside hawk, ringed kingfisher, bear-throated tiger heron, streaked flycatcher, garden emerald and blue-throated golden tail hummingbird, banana quit, blue-gray tanager, red-crowned woodpecker, great kiskadee, and tropical kingbird. Quite a morning! The highlight, however, was when the king vultures soared directly overhead, close enough so we could hear the air through its feathers (today’s photo).

The remainder of the day we spent swimming, snorkeling, and kayaking around Granito del Oro, the “Little Grain of Gold.” This picturesque island has only 4 palm trees and is surrounded by a perfect patch of white sand about the size of a football field. Not a bad place to spend the day!

To end the day, the moon once again made an appearance, rising from the Pacific Ocean during cocktails and Recap. Tomorrow we will be in Costa Rica. Pura Vida…