Coiba Island, Panama

When the sun started to peep over the horizon, we were on our way to the headquarters of Coiba National Park with bird watchers and other early risers. The host of the island, “Sara” a red brocket deer, greeted us while we spotted many wonderful birds.

Later, after breakfast, we took our snorkeling gear to shore and found beautiful and colorful fish and some other interesting sea animals at the gorgeous island called “Granito de Oro,” a place our expedition leader Larry called “A Piece of Heaven.” This island is a small portion of white sand, with a few coconut palms and a red bean tree, called “Naranjillo.” Many, many hermit crabs live on this tiny outcropping.

Very soon in the water we saw king angelfish, rainbow wrasse, sergeant major, guinea fowl puffer fish, tiger snake moray, bicolor parrotfish, trigger fish, and Moorish idol - some of the many residents of the water surrounding the island. After this spectacular morning we came back to the ship for lunch. Later we traveled to “Boca Grande” for Zodiac explorations of the mangrove forest. On the way we saw some bottlenose dolphins bow riding the ship.

The day was excellent! Our last day in Panama. Our next destination, Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica!