Today was our last day full day in the Galápagos archipelago and it felt like one of the best islands was saved for last. Genovesa, the jewel in the crown, is far away from the other islands and to get there we crossed the equator. So well situated, it attracts a great amount of bird species, especially sea birds.

Nature walks, deepwater snorkeling and kayaking were the activities our guests were offered to explore the different ecosystems of Genovesa. The number of species per square yard on the island is amazing. For the very first time in the week, we saw red-footed boobies.

This is a great time in the year to visit Genovesa because all the wildlife was very active and a lot of sea bird species were nesting. All of our guests got astounding close-ups with the wildlife, especially with the Nazca boobies that were with their chicks in the middle of the trail.

The water conditions for our kayaking and deep water snorkeling were very good. Exploring the coast line in kayaks also gave everybody the chance to observe the Galápagos fur seals for the first time in the week. The deepwater snorkelers had a good time finding hammerhead sharks and big schools of fish.

Our day finished with a walk along a big lava field, very close to the coast where we were able to find short-eared owls, which were patiently waiting to catch storm petrels. As we were making our way back to the ship, the sun went down the horizon and it was special to see this show from the inner part of the main caldera of Genovesa Island.