Today we arrived to a northern Island of the Galapagos. Early in the morning we went out to kayak and enjoy the view, the fresh air and the sound of the water coming in and out from the shore. Back on the National Geographic Islander everyone wakes up to get breakfast and then to get ready for landing on a white coral sand beach. Once there, we follow the trail set by the National Park’s regulations. As we walked along this path we found different ages of Frigate Birds: chicks, juveniles, adults flying and some other adults with red inflated pouches.

Continuing with this hike, we found Nazca Boobies in different stages, taking care of the nesting and shading the chicks to prevent overheating. Standing there, we saw a head coming out of the water. First we were able to see its eyes in to the distance. Then we saw its snout coming out and yawning, so we realized it was a sleeping sea lion behind a rock and we all laughed. After exploring this area, taking pictures, enjoying moments and natural history from the naturalists we got back to the beach. Some decided to swim from this place and others embarked the Zodiac back to the ship to get ready for deep water snorkeling.

During the snorkel, some of our guests got the chance to see Hammerheads Sharks, some different kinds of fish and specially Fur Sea Lions.

The afternoon arrived and it was time to go visit a new area. Everyone got ready and once in the Zodiacs the adventure continued. Along the way, we got the chance to see some Fur Sea lions sleeping on the rocks – what a life! Then we landed and right there we found a big colony of Nazca Boobies, some of them were on courtship. Along the way we also found Red Footed Boobies perching on trees. And suddenly, from the middle of nowhere, we got to find the special Short Eared Owl just there standing on one side of the trail.

Time passed and the sun began to set. We had enough time to get back into the zodiacs and enjoy our sunset on the way back into the National Geographic Islander. What a week we had. At this point we say you may leave the Galapagos but Galapagos is not going to leave you. The highlights, unique moments, laughs, and all you shared with others that will keep the memories within you.