Last night we left our anchorage site and headed north to Genovesa Island. This morning we entered into Darwin Bay, a caldera that collapsed long ago.  

Our exploration of Genovesa began on shore and then inland, where we saw the largest colony of red-footed boobies in the archipelago. As we walked along the trail, we got the chance to see male boobies courting the nearby females. We also saw them nesting on bushes and flying around the bay. Looking carefully at the lava landscape, we caught sight of the island’s top predator, a beautiful short-eared owl hunting for small birds.  

After exploring the island we returned to the ship to put on our snorkeling gear. Then we headed to the cliffs of Darwin Bay for our underwater adventure among the different species of fish and marine invertebrates.  

In the afternoon we went kayaking in the calm waters of this bay and observed red-billed tropic birds flying all over the caldera as well as Galapagos fur seals, red-footed boobies, and yellow-crowned night herons.  

Our day ended with a very colorful rainbow and sunset. What a way to cap our journey in the Enchanted Islands.