We arrived at sunset, and the very first impression one gets when seeing this island is its great amount of birds—it is incredible, there are several thousand of them! Many were in full flight greeting us as we were sailing into the collapsed caldera of Genovesa Island.

During the day all guests were offered opportunities for several activities in order to maximize their experience at this site. While exploring it was possible to discover the various habitats of the endemic flora and fauna found in the area. Nature walks, deep water snorkeling, and kayaking were very popular among our guests.

Clear skies and calm water at a nice temperature helped experience the best of Genovesa. Two different national park sites were visited with approximately two miles of the inland explored and one mile along the shore where we kayaked and snorkeled. Genovesa is a very special island since it has the biggest colony of red-footed boobies in Galápagos, nearly 200,000! It also has a big nesting colony of great frigatebirds. Some of the most interesting highlights during the day included seeing male frigatebirds with their pouches fully inflated, Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, swallow tailed gulls, and short-eared owls that were hunting for wedge storm petrels in the middle of the morning.

The sunset was one of the most beautiful of the week, though sadly we have to say that our trip in the enchanted islands has come to an end.