Our last full day in the Galapagos will be spent on the spectacular northern island of Genovesa, also known by the English name of Tower. It is one of the most pristine islands in the archipelago and home of great colonies of sea and land birds--frigate birds, red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, storm petrels, rare Darwin finches, and tropicbirds. This low, brushy island serves as a beacon to winged ocean wanderers.

Early in the morning our guests discovered the magnificence of the island, kayaking along the calm waters observing some frigate birds harassing some noisy tropic birds and curious sea turtles that showed their bodies on the surface of the ocean. After a wet landing at Darwin Bay we headed out for a hike on a sandy path and also a rocky one with fabulous wildlife at every step. We heard sea lions barking and observed others resting on the beach. We also saw red footed boobies nesting, flying, incubating or partaking in an elaborate courtship dance.