Today was our last full day in the Galapagos. We were located above the equator in the Northern Hemisphere. Genovesa is a pristine island with more than a million seabirds. It is also home for red-footed boobies and much, much more…

In the morning, we disembarked to search for seabirds, including frigatebirds, Nazca boobies, and short-eared owls. These elusive owls were the highlight of the day.

Back on board, we enjoyed an impressive Ecuadorian lunch. Only the best is offered by our chefs.

In the afternoon, we landed on a white coralline beach for our last walk among swallow-tailed gulls, red-footed boobies, frigatebirds, sea lions, and the world-famous Darwin’s finches.

Back on board, we enjoyed the captain’s farewell cocktails and our final dinner.