This was the final day of exploration on our cruise around the Galapagos Islands. By breakfast time this morning we dropped anchor at a volcanic island known as Genovesa. This island has the largest populations of seabirds in Galapagos, and it was perfect for a last stop. We visited the only two sites allowed by the national park: Prince Philip’s Steps and Darwin Bay. All day we encountered red-footed boobies and frigatebirds that are beginning their breeding cycle, using their red feet and their red gular pouches to impress the females of their own species. There was also a baby sea lion that was born just yesterday and still had the umbilical cord attached.

When we went snorkeling for the final time, we found dozens of hammerhead sharks surrounded by colorful tropical fish and sea turtles.

Our last day of exploration was a perfect way to show everyone this special place that they will treasure in their hearts.