What a splendid day in the Inside Passage of Southeast Alaska! Our morning hikes on George Island took guests to a WWII-era gun site overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Here we learned about the history of naval presence in the Pacific Theater of the war, while hiking amidst the lush temperate rainforest ecology and geology.

In the afternoon we repositioned the ship to the Inian Islands near the Hobbit Hole, home to Tidelines Institute! We enjoyed some stunning and wildlife-abundant Zodiac tours around the islands, surrounded by sea lions and otters and gulls (oh my!). Then we all visited the Tidelines Institute where co-director Zach Brown introduced us to this incredibly remote and inspiring field school. A group of high school students from the Bay Area were there this week for an immersive climate program — how cool!

We finished our day cruising through Icy Strait on our way up to Chatham Strait, and we’re all looking forward to a fun-filled day in Haines, Alaska.