A beautiful day welcomed us as we pulled into port in the historic town of Gisborne. Captain Cook made his first landing in New Zealand here.

Warmed by the morning sun, some guests opted for a wine tasting at one of Coromandel Peninsula’s finest vineyards, Bushmere Estate. Some visited a working sheep station where activities included demonstrations of sheep shearing and sheep dogs. The final option for the morning was a visit to the local arboretum where many international varieties of trees have been cultivated and preserved. All activities included generous snacks and treats, but this didn’t seem to diminish appetites at lunchtime back on National Geographic Orion.

After the busy tours and generous snacks in the morning, the afternoon offered an opportunity to stretch our legs and explore the town of Gisborne a little more. For those interested in a guided walk, Javier Cotin offered a walk focused on birdlife. Ebony Peeni took a group to the Captain Cook Plaza and a lookout over the aquamarine waters of Gisborne Bay, but many chose to explore the town at their leisure.