Everyone arose earlier than normal today to maximize time spent outdoors in beautiful Glacier Bay National Park. We welcomed aboard park ranger Masaki and Tlingit cultural interpreter Gary and eagerly anticipated their stories and wildlife narrations throughout the day. The shockingly clear and sunny skies made it easy to view the lush wildlife and stunning landscapes—we even had a few sunburned noses!

We passed South Marble Island shortly after breakfast and found an abundance of nesting sea birds—including everyone’s favorite, the tufted puffin—and hauled out sea lions. Just beyond Tidal Inlet a brown bear was spotted grazing high in the foliage. As we came around Gloomy Knob, mountain goats were spotted in the distance. We eased closer and noticed that they were nannies with kids! The icebergs became denser and we knew we were getting closer to Margerie Glacier. The sunlight created stunning reflections in the water and guests enjoyed photo tips and tricks from naturalists Doug and Linda.

When we finally arrived at Margerie Glacier, we took the time to stop and admire the beauty. The air was peaceful and still. The only disturbance was the loud crashing of the glacier calving—what a site to see! As National Geographic Sea Bird sailed out of Glacier Bay, guests happily soaked up the vitamin D on the back deck while whale watching. Our wonderful day came to an end with leisurely strolls ashore in Bartlett Cove. What adventures will tomorrow offer?