Gold Harbor is quite possibly the most amazing beach on the planet. It is ringed by steep cliffs and precipitous mountains and is home to a dazzling amount of wildlife. Even on a “normal” day, no place epitomizes the South Georgia experience quite like Gold Harbor, yet today was not a “normal” day because we had a stunning rainbow for nearly our entire visit. It really was an all-time day. We watched thousands of king penguins come and go from the crowded beach while young Antarctic fur seals tested their strength and wrestling skills in scrums all over the place. We left the beach emotionally and physically exhausted from extended sensory overload.
The day was not even halfway done. The afternoon consisted of a raucous feeding aggregation of humpback whales and wild, whipping winds as we entered Drygalski Fjord. Thunderous booms emanated from the glacier as it calved off slabs of ice into the water below. What a day!