Another day in paradise with blue skies, white sand beaches and turquoise waters.

Corsica is a land that yields up its secrets to the inquisitive, and today’s expedition mirrored this, as we ventured on sea, beach, coast, mountain and forest. 

The day started with scenic Zodiac cruise through Scandola Nature Reserve, exploring its unique marine ecosystem, red volcanic rocks, isolated coves and small beaches. Jay regaled the guests with colorful stories of Corsica in a history presentation.

After weighing anchor at noon, National Geographic Orion’s chefs prepared a barbeque on the back deck so guests could enjoy the views of Monte Cinto, a 2700 m snowcapped peak just 20 km away as they ate lunch.  After a brief reposition to the south, we anchored off Plage D’Arone, a place of importance to Corsicans as it was here that submarine Casablanca delivered the supplies needed to begin the resistance of the German/Italian occupation of the island in World War II.

While kayakers explored the azure blue green water and red granite bluffs, hikers and sightseers searched for the geological formations known as “Calanques” or visited the tiny village of Piana. Others opted to take in the beauty of Corsica horizontally on the beach.

In my little bay

By the Sea, under the blue sky

In my little bay

We sing, we laugh, we are happy

By Moussu T e lei Jovents