What an incredible way to end our days in Costa Rica. For two days, we have explored the inner side of the Osa Peninsula, the Golfo Dulce or Sweet Gulf; and today we finish the first half of the trip on the eastern side of the gulf. We checked out two places: Casa Orquidea Botanical Garden and the mangrove/beachside area of Golfito.

About 40 years ago, a young couple, the MacAlllisters, decided to sell all of their belongings and head south. The area of Golfito is as far south as they got; armed with a strong sense of adventure, they began their life in the tropics in what was once a failed cacao plantation. With their own hands, they planted what is now a phenomenal botanical garden that is so much more than only that. Flowers, insects, reptiles, birds, and mammals were in store for us at the gardens. Coatis, agoutis, scarlet macaws and toucans, leaf cutter ants, dragonfly, basilisks, heliconias, and strangler figs are just a few of the organisms we saw in less than two hours in the garden. We have always wondered if we could do what they have done; come live in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the forest far away from everything and everyone that is familiar?

Later in the day, after lunch and after onboard must-haves, we had the chance to explore the gulf via kayak or Zodiac. Out we went on our faithful vessels, onto the fine sand beach to put our strength to the test. Some others chose the other option, a Zodiac ride with one of the naturalists to try to find wildlife and to enjoy the amazing scenery of the mountains surrounding the gulf.  Once again, nature delivered. Spotted during our outings were three troops of howler monkeys, terns, pelicans, egrets, ibis, herons, and even a sea turtle. 

Thus ended our last day in Costa Rica, with great memories and a wonderful sunset full of colors and impressions.