We glided south with fair winds and following seas throughout the night. Like children awaiting Christmas, we excitedly gathered on the bow in the dawn light and awaited the sunrise. Gentle blues gave way to pinks then oranges as the sun crested the mountains to our west. With a calm ocean before us, we set about our day exploring the southern capes of the Baja California peninsula.

Our goal for the day was to spend as much time as possible with the humpback whales. The cape region hosts shallow waters that these giants use as breeding grounds. With the shelf of Gorda Banks nearby, the parade of whales never seemed to stop. Everywhere we looked, spouts and flukes dotted the horizon. A few breathtaking breaches from these massive creatures kept us glued to the outer decks, awaiting what the ocean would share with us next.

A fiesta-themed cocktail hour and dinner wrapped up the night in addition to a glorious sunset. Baja California is such a special place, and we look forward to another day in these waters.