National Geographic Sea Bird returned to Daajing Giids and tied up dockside just before an early breakfast. Once our morning meal was finished, we boarded coaches and traveled to Old Masset, a Haida community on the northern coast of Graham Island.

Our morning was spent visiting two world-famous Haida carvers in two groups. Our first stop was at the home of James Hart, 7IDANsuu in Haida, a well-known Haida artist and chief of the Haida Nation. After a lovely visit to the Hart home, we visited their carving shed. James’ son, Gwalega, gave a wonderful explanation of the family’s current carving projects.

Our other stop was at the carving shed and Big House of Christian White. Christian brought the group into his carving shed. While resting on a forty-foot canoe in the process of being carved and prepared for a launching and potlatch on August 24, 2024, he explained his current projects.

The entire group was then invited into the White Big House for a fabulous lunch of traditional NW Coast foods, Indigenous foods, and cultural sharing with Christian and Candace White and close community members.