As he awoke blinking, Franklin’s consciousness slowly became aware of his surroundings. Rocky beach. Wind. Big Yawn. He closed his eyes and nuzzled his head a little further into the tussock grass that he had nestled into the night before. Snort. Snuffle. The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore taunted him, begging for him to come in for a swim. He wasn’t especially sleepy, it just didn’t seem like time to get up yet. One of the best parts of being a fur seal pup was doing whatever you wanted. He wasn’t even that hungry, his mother had left a few days ago and he’d sure she’d be back to give him some milk. Some of the slow fat seals were nearby, squished in all together, belching away, sleeping in their own filth. Franklin cracked one eye open to examine them. Not that he was scared—he was in fact the bravest seal pup on the whole beach—he just wanted to be certain. They were almost ten times his size but he did not fear them, that’s how brave and tough and daring he was. This very thought made him immensely proud and he got up onto his fore flippers, arching his back, twisting his neck and scratched his ear with his hind flipper. The wallow of slow fat seals gazed on stupidly, with what Franklin could only imagine was extreme jealousy, as the extent of their mobility was wriggling their blubberous bulk. He almost pitied them. Mid-scratch he noticed something quite interesting. There were two legs on the beach. A lot of them. All dressed in orange. On HIS beach. This would not stand. Howl. Bark!
Weighing in at a ferocious fifteen pounds, Franklin clambered off his tussock mound and dashed towards these intruders. They had been deposited by some large black floating whale, that at least had the sense to beat a hasty retreat, and were shedding parts of their skin. Fur? Shell? Franklin did not have a lot of experience with the two legs as he was still just a pup but he felt supremely confident they were no match for him. He got a little closer. He felt a little less confident so he barked again and lunged forward, glaring up with what he estimated was the fire of a thousand suns. The two legs walked haltingly forward. Growwwl. Brave, he had to be brave, didn’t they know who he was?! They were almost to him now, towering so high above, making cooing noises that did not sound as if they were intimidated…one big charge to scare them off properly, that’s what was needed. Show some teeth and they’d see him for the furry terror incarnate that he was. Just as he made his move they started clicking at him with eyes on the end of their hands that didn’t blink. What kind of fearless monsters were these? Rawwr? Franklin had to very quickly accept a few facts. He was not the bravest pup on the beach. He was not even the second bravest. These two legs could not be stopped. He needed to flee this impending doom while he still could! He executed a sloppy retreat into the safety of the waves and felt better the moment he ducked his head under the water.
That had been close. He would need to carefully consider his strategy for next ti—ohmygodwhydidnoonetellmeitwasplaytime!!! All his friends were here in the shallows already! How had he not known about this!? He had to catch up. Splashing first or chasing? Both! Blowing bubbles, king of the rock, races round the wreck. Franklin was the best at all these things. It was a burden really but he didn’t let it get to him too much. Finally when it was time to let someone else win he took a break and flopped out onto the beach. Little yawn. He gave his whiskers a little shake and looked up. Two legs! Again?! Had they not learned their lesson? They dared to remain on HIS beach? He would fill them with horror by displaying his savage power. After he was Franklin, bravest fur seal pup on the whole beach…