Haines Day. Always a day of multiple adventures. Some guests went on a long hike to the top of Mt. Riley for the exercise and view. A shorter but just as interesting hike led hikers to Battery Point through a beautiful forest. Others went on a fly-fishing trip to Chilkat River and caught (and then released) several pink salmon. Another opportunity was a visit to the Klukwan Village Interpretive Center and a subsequent Chilkat River float. A glacial fjord cycle trip was also enjoyed by some guests, all of whom saw a mother brown bear with two frisky cubs. And finally, all guests had the opportunity to wander through Haines and visit shops, the distillery, and the Sheldon Museum. Unfortunately, the world-famous Hammer Museum with hundreds of hammers of all sizes, shapes, and functions collected from all over the world was closed.

Following cocktail hour and recaps, the day concluded with the traditional Crab Night Fest, a delight for all. A documentary film was presented after dinner, and we were on our way to tomorrow’s adventures.