After a stunning day of cruising through Misty Fjords National Monument, National Geographic Sea Lion made its way ever northward to the small Alaskan town of Haines. On the second full day of our expedition, we anticipated an incredible morning and afternoon in the waters and mountains around Haines, taking in everything it has to offer.

Once breakfast was but a distant memory, we boarded Zodiacs to make our way to the town pier. Upon our arrival, most guests embarked on a trio of jetboats for a thrilling cruise up the Stikine River, past icebergs and towering peaks toward a massive glacier.

Those of us not on the morning jetboat tour enjoyed free time in town, a cultural experience at Chief Shakes House, and a wander through the remains at Petroglyph Beach. Around noon we all returned to the ship for a tasty family-style lunch before setting off for the town pier once more.

In the afternoon, some of us enjoyed an Anan Creek bear-watching experience. Other guests chose to spend free time in town, walk to Petroglyph Beach, visit the local museum, or take an aerobic or moderate hike to the top of Mount Dewey.

The evening brought a fun-filled recap and cocktail hour, featuring various local Alaskan treats. This was followed by a delectable crab dinner, prepared for us by our talented galley team. To top off the night, we enjoyed an informative lecture from Sharon before heading to bed and resting up for the adventures ahead.