'Twas a misty, moisty morning, as the night gave way to a day painted in a pallet of a thousand grays, creating a light that made the most mundane of object seem extra special. Laying in my bunk, it was impossible to determine by the ship's motion. If we were under way or not, but the soft swishing of the water against the hull revealed that we had not yet reached our destination.  As we made our way to a morning rendezvous with Dr. Andy Szabo, of the Alaskan Whale Foundation, the smell of breakfast began to permeate the ship, and all further attempts at sleep were futile. After breakfast, Dr. Szabo appeared out of the mist, and right on time.  And as always, he was entertaining, and illuminating, offering insights that can only be gleaned by someone with a deeper understanding of the issues, and indeed life.

After Dr. Szabo departed into the mists, we prepared for lunch, and the afternoon's activities, which took us to a relatively new destination at Halleck Harbor, where we broke into groups for our afternoon activities of kayaking, beach-walking, and bushwhacking! After returning to the ship, several brave souls engaged in another relatively new activity when they mounted the stand-up paddleboards.  A few periods of light rain reminded us that we were, after all, in southeast Alaska, but there was nothing in the weather that made us wish we were anywhere else!

Just before dinner, Carlos and Emily dove at the northeast entrance to Halleck Harbor, but we will have to wait until tomorrow evening to see what they have already kenned it in video form - Ah, one more thing to look forward!