Hood is one of the oldest land masses in Galapagos and is the southeastern most island in the archipelago. We went to two different destinations for today’s activities. In the morning we navigated to Gardner Bay for deep-water snorkeling, while some of our guests went to the beach to practice snorkeling from the shore.

This morning all of our guests and naturalists went looking for plastic debris and found some small pieces, we were very happy to find only a few pieces and not large quantities; it was a great way to do our part, however small, for our precious planet.

In the afternoon, we went ashore to Punta Suarez looking for the endemic Galapagos waved albatross, Nazca boobies, as well as swallow-tailed gulls. There along the cliffs we encountered several albatrosses, some of whom already found partners while others were flying high above this amazing landscape.