Today was our first day exploring the southwestern coast of Spitsbergen, which is the largest island in the archipelago of Svalbard. And what a wonderful first day it was! Just as the National Geographic Explorer had cruised a few hours out of Longyearbyen and dinner had been served, Captain Oliver Kruess announced that there was a blue whale ahead! We bundled up and got out on deck with cameras and binoculars.

At the Welcome Dinner I asked our youngest guest, 11-year old Åsne from Norway, what had been the best part of her first day. She said: “The big whales were great, and I liked the trappers hut and all the kittiwakes at Gnålodden. Riding the Zodiac was fun, too – and the hot chocolate was so good after I came back from the hike!”

The Svalbard adventure has just begun, and we have had an amazing first day. However, there are many more exciting days to come, so stay tuned!