What a day full of activities and exploring! We started off the morning by exploring Horseshoe Island, home to an old British Antarctic Survey Hut called Base Y. The old structures are a time capsule of the past. Guests observed how the stations were run in the 1960s, from provisions to generators. Around the island, we found many seals of different varieties hauled out on the sea ice and enjoying the sun.

The afternoon took us to Pourquoi Pas Island. We offered guests a split landing with two options, including kayaking and landing at the penguin colony. Some guests were able to do both. Once the kayaks were gathered and we were on board, guests were offered the chance to jump in the Antarctic waters. An amazing 75 guests and crewmembers took the plunge, setting a season record for National Geographic Endurance. Needless to say, everyone is going to bed tired but full of breathtaking memories from today.