We settled at anchor in the beautifully scenic Prince Fredrick Harbour. The sunrise over the sandstone escarpment was truly spectacular and a great way to commence an adventurous day. The best way to get up close and personal to this amazing coast and surrounding environs is by Zodiac cruising.

Our morning excursion was out into the Hunter River and then along Porosus Creek. The tide was very low, and we were fortunate to watch several estuarine crocodiles basking on the muddy banks or swimming in the shallows adjacent to land. Some of the crocodiles were actively feeding, and they tried to snare a fish as the water channeled off the muddy, mangrove-lined bank. Birds were active, too. We saw many species, including a majestic white-breasted sea eagle soaring above us and a few brahminy kites looking for a meal of the mudskippers scattered on the muddy banks.

After lunch, we had another Zodiac excursion around a different bay. We saw several different birds, including oystercatchers, ospreys, and great crested terns. The highlight was a stop at ‘Thor’s Hammer,’ an unusual piece of sandstone with veins of quartz crystals. The sandstone stands out from the rocky escarpment.