Our day started as we were sailing off the coastal town of Húsavik, considered the whale watching capital of Iceland, on our way to the Arctic Circle. On our way to Grímsey Island, we listened to a couple of presentations from our wonderful expedition team.

Calm seas led us to Grímsey where we disembarked and hiked towards the northern part of the island where the monument that marks the location of the Arctic Circle stands. On our way there, we passed by numerous cliffs that were home to thousands of puffin breeding pairs, along with kittiwakes, razorbills, arctic terns, and many other species. But the real treat was to come.

As we sailed off into the midnight sunset, our ship was surrounded by dozens of killer whales and five humpback whales that started to breach and feed all around the ship. We gathered on the outer decks and were dazzled by the wonderful sight. It was a day to remember!