This morning we arrived at Huvadhu Atoll, the 10th largest atoll in the world.  The scout boat left at dawn and reported back amazing underwater conditions on the outer edge of the atoll. After breakfast we boarded the Zodiacs and transferred out to the snorkel platform for our morning snorkeling adventures. When we entered the water we were amazed by the clear blue waters, huge plate corals that extended as far as the eye could see and the myriad of beautiful colorful fish swimming gently in the currents below. We were so mesmerized by the spectacular scene below us that before we knew it we had been in the water for several hours and it was time to head back to the ship for another delicious lunch prepared by Executive Chef Lothar and his galley team.

During lunch, Captain Lubo repositioned the ship through a small channel into the interior of Huvadhu Atoll and dropped the anchor a short distance from a gorgeous idyllic island named Maanaagalaa Island.

We were able to snorkel right off the picturesque sandy beach and along a stunning wall of coral with thick clouds of fish which captivated us with their colorful patterns. Some of us decided instead to go for a gentle stroll around this beautiful island, some cooled off in the inviting clear shallow waters and some even enjoyed a game of beach bocce with coconuts. As the sun began to set, the hotel team arrived on shore to serve us cocktails and appetizers on the beach and we enjoyed yet another amazing Maldivian sunset before returning to the ship.

After another delicious dinner, the expedition team setup up the ship’s ROV and we all gathered in the lounge to watch a live view of the underwater world below the ship at a depth of 100 feet. We spotted a few sleepy fish and an assortment of soft corals before the current was too strong for the ROV and we reeled it back in and retired to our soft beds. Our daily program on our door for the next day described an expedition afternoon and we let the ship gently rock us to sleep as we dreamed of what magical remote island paradise lay in wait for us tomorrow.