After a smooth night of sailing down Chatham Strait and through Frederick Sound, the National Geographic Sea Lion approached the site of our morning’s activities, Ideal Cove. This area on the east side of Mitkof Island has an extensive network of trails to utilize. So our goal this morning was to divide into groups for different lengths and intensity of walks, and explore some of the lush area of the Tongass National Forest. There was a faster and longer aerobic hike offered, along with several medium distance interpretive walks through this amazing habitat. The weather cooperated and everybody had a wonderful, and “dry,” time in this beautiful temperate rainforest.

Then it was back to the ship, and we were soon underway toward the town of Petersburg on the northwest tip of Mitkof Island, the area for our afternoon activities. Right at lunch time we arrived, tied up to the dock, and at about 1:30 p.m. started a variety of options for the afternoon. There were several rounds of “Scenic Flights” that would go at different times throughout the day, naturalist led walks through a beautiful “bog” habitat on Kupreanof Island (just across Wrangell Narrows from Petersburg), a long exercise hike up the Petersburg Mountain trail, and the option of just taking a walk along the center of Petersburg, to explore this historic Southeast Alaska fishing community.

Finally, it was “all aboard,” and the National Geographic Sea Lion set sail to the north back into Frederick Sound, heading toward Tracy Arm, our destination for the following morning. Oh yes, it was “crab feast” night! What a terrific way to end a perfect day!