After a smooth ride all night, we awoke in Frederick Sound, sailing almost south to the island of Mitkof, where Petersburg and further south, Ideal Cove are to be found. A few birds, all oceanic, were seen from early in the morning on, flying off to some future food orgy. We continued south, past this small city, and anchored off the southeastern point of Mitkof. Here, after breakfast, we began a series of hikes into the rainforest, along a well-maintained narrow boardwalk, having the opportunity of seeing a segment of this temperate rainforest and many of its interesting plants. Among them was the very poisonous”indian hellebore” or “corn-lily,” and many other plants.

Back on board we sailed again up north to the large town of Petersburg. This community was founded in the late 1800’s by a Norwegian, as fish, wood, and ice were available in the immediate vicinity.  The town became very prosperous, and today has four cannery-packeries, and even three daily flights by Alaska Airlines. Here some of us took flights in one-engine float planes to the glacier of Le Conte. Others of us walked into town, or even cycled along different pathways near this enchanting fishing town.  One of the most interesting activities was a walk into a muskeg on the next-door island of Kupreanof. Here we saw the absolute difference between a muskeg or bog and the rainforest surrounding it, with insect-eating sundews. Of course, many other unique plants live here!

After an interesting recap, we enjoyed a fantastic crab feast, savoring the Dungeness crabs that had probably been caught this same morning! And shortly after, we sailed off back into Frederick Sound, and took the north turn, up towards tomorrow’s destination.