This morning we cruised into an area called Ideal Cove on Mitkof Island. As we separated into different groups, guests had the choice of three different hikes. They had a short, medium interpretive hike lead by a naturalist.  There was also a long five mile hike around Crane and Hill Lake in the National Forest. On the hikes there were several animal sightings, including beautiful birds and exciting quadrupeds. We started the hike by landing on a beach covered by muscles, barnacles, and rock seaweed. As soon as the adventure started, the group spotted a bald eagle in the tree tops. We continued with our hike stopping occasionally for a mid-morning snack, enjoying wild blueberries and startling a flock of Canadian geese. We also saw a female moose and some Sitka blacktail deer near Hill Lake. 

After lunch, we arrived in a fishing port known as Petersburg. With its rich Norwegian history and many shops, the afternoon was filled with many activities. There were several tours offered such as a bog walk, a photo tour around town, and a dock walk led by a naturalist. The rest of the day was open to shopping along the coast on a bicycle. 

The day was well spent here in Southeast Alaska with lots of wildlife and experiencing the rich history of the fishing town of Petersburg. What better way to end the day with none other than Dungeness crab for dinner and a rainbow at sunset.