Today our guests embarked on an invigorating hike through the lush forests of Ideal Cove. Led by our experienced naturalists, guests enjoyed four different hiking options including a long hike, a moderate hike, a casual hike, and a photo walk led by our certified photo instructor. We hiked along a creek through Sitka spruce and western hemlock to a muskeg, or bog. We occasionally stopped to talk about the sundews we saw, and the forest ecology around us. For the afternoon, following a warm lunch, we cruised through Wrangell Narrows. This is a navigationally tricky channel with good opportunities for wildlife sightings, so we spent some time on the bow keeping our eyes peeled. Luckily, during recap we came upon some humpback whales and breaching salmon. We ended our day with a beautiful gourmet dinner, and a presentation from our naturalist about salmon and their importance to the forest that surrounds us.