Our day started out cool and grey but very pleasant. Guests loaded into buses and toured the island. Our first stop was to the Musée de la Mer in La Grave to see history exhibits of the fishing on the island. Hanging in the entrance of the museum is the skelton of a sperm whale.

After walking the village of La Grave, our guides took us to an island brew pub to sample beers made on the island. From there we had a fantastic sea side lunch at a beautiful old building that had been converted from a convent. From there some guests continued on seeing highlights of the Magdalen Islands. Other guests were led by a local guide on an afternoon hike that started at a picturesque light house, wandered through fields and a wooded area, and ended at a harbor.

We concluded our day on board the National Geographic Explorer with a cocktail hour, great meal, and a film depicting fishing life in Newfoundland.