Our last day exploring the Inian Islands for the 2024 Alaskan season did not disappoint. We were greeted with three humpback whales close to the ship and spent some time in the Zodiacs watching these magnificent creatures dive together.

Making our way as we entered a cove, a baby sea otter was spotted until it took a dive, only for its mother to surface and start calling out for her pup. Eventually the pup emerged, calling back for its mom as they made their way back to each other. It was a heartwarming sight.

The afternoon held no less adventure as some brave souls decided to embark on a three hour bushwhack with Naturalist Emily Mall at Canyon Creek. The trailless adventure started with crawling up a steep embankment and eventually led to a muskeg. Not done with the elevation quite yet, the bushwhackers were led to the top of the highest peak to get a view of where they started below the tree line. Other, one may say wiser, guests stayed closer to the shoreline for their last excursion in southeast Alaska.