Welcome to the Inside Passage! It was a foggy and calm day at the northernmost entrance to the Inside Passage. We anchored on the northern cove of Inian Island for a fun-filled morning of Zodiac tours around the Inian Islands, a truly beautiful waterway filled with rich wildlife, sea lions, and sea otters galore! The whole tour was witness to hundreds of pelagic avian life; guillemots and gulls and cormorants flying overhead while bald eagles scoured the ocean surface for fish. By mid-morning, the clouds had lifted and blue skies and warm sun finally peeked through.

Our afternoon consisted of gentle cruising along the Icy Strait and down south inside Chatham Strait searching for whales and wildlife. And boy did we find some! Plenty of humpback whales greeted us near and far, diving and feeding in these nutrient-rich waters. It was a great day to be a whale! And even better to be a guest onboard National Geographic Venture.