We anchored this morning at Hobbit Hole in the Inian Islands. This close to the Pacific Ocean, rich upwellings produce plenty of food for some of the most iconic animals on our itinerary. Before breakfast, we had already seen humpback whales, sea otters and Steller’s sea lions.

Eager to see what further beauty the Inians held, we departed in Zodiacs to greet this lively place. The bald eagles were too numerous to count. Looking up at the cloud-laced cliffs, there were some sections of forest where a bird perched atop nearly every tree. The sea itself held more treasures for us: Steller’s sea lions roaring at one another on the rocks, harbor seals periscoping amid the kelp, a raft of sea otters sheltered in a cove. The cetaceans were equally well represented, with harbor porpoises, humpback whales, and even a minke whale making an appearance.

We reluctantly left these islands, so full of life, and spent the rest of the day underway, cruising through glassy waters. The afternoon was split between presentations from our naturalists and looking for wildlife from the bow of our ship. Our sightings as the afternoon progressed included more sea otters and humpback whales, but the highlight for many was our first brown bear sighting of the trip.

As we cruise into the night, we eagerly look forward to whatever adventures tomorrow may bring!