The early morning sky presented infinite shades of gray along with rain. However, as the first Zodiac departed for cruising, the rain stopped and the clouds partially cleared, creating a day perfect for our morning excursions.

We saw five humpback whales hanging out as we left National Geographic Sea Bird, then proceeded along dense canopies of kelp sheltering inquisitive sea otters and then we lingered by a flock of rhinoceros auklets. Eagles soared overhead and looked down on us from their high perches. Turbulence created by the inrushing tide through Cross Sound cast fish to the surface for easy capture by the ever present and hungry sea lions.

During lunch, we sailed to Salt Chuck Bay for hikes and kayaking. We hiked through a dense coastal rain forest, emerging along a stream with banks littered with dead pink salmon, resulting from predation by bears or natural death following reproduction. It was mesmerizing to see hundreds of salmon vigorously swimming upstream with all-encompassing determination to reproduce before dying. Just before departing for National Geographic Sea Bird, we spotted a bear across the bay.

The kayakers enjoyed perfect conditions for quiet and calm contemplation of our Alaska adventure. It was a memorable day for all.