We awoke this morning to a thick layer of fog covering the mountains and surrounding sea. Layers of clouds drifted through the trees surrounding our ship in an anchorage called the Hobbit Hole at the Inian Islands.  

After a warm breakfast, we bundled up and boarded the inflatables for our morning excursion exploring the rugged shores of these remote islands. Strong currents from the open Pacific rushed through the channels as we cruised along the shoreline looking for wildlife. We soon spotted sea otters lounging in the kelp near shore. Their furry faces and cute attributes belie their quick and sharp personalities. Harbor seals were also spotted before they made a quick exit into the safety of the cold waters. They reappeared after a few minutes to study these strange black boats filled with wiggling orange creatures.  

Sea lions plied the waters all around, and we soon found the large rock they called home. This bachelor pad was littered with sea lions lounging on the rocks between foraging excursions. Many others played in the ripping currents as they procured fish from the bottom. Gulls hoping to share in the feast soon surrounded each sea lion that surfaced with a fish. Otters rolled in the kelp as they feasted on the bounty provided by kelp forest below.  

A female humpback and her calf were spotted on the second round and put on a performance as they enjoyed the strong currents in their search for food. They surfaced near our boats, which enabled us to capture the special moment.  

The afternoon found us in the small scenic bay of Port Althorp. A large meadow decorated with bald eagles and a meandering stream filled with pink salmon was the perfect setting for our afternoon hikes. Mike led a fascinating photo walk and even boarded an abandoned barge; a relic from days past. There were many signs of bear activity, which added to the excitement of the afternoon.  

Back on board we were treated to a wonderful feast of Alaskan king crab during cocktail hour. Tables were set and everyone sat elbow to elbow as we devoured the magnificent crab. It was a true Alaskan experience.  

With the last rays of the sun lingering in the sky, orca whales performed near our ship. The sounds of their breathing serenaded us as we headed to our cabins to relish in a wonderful day and plan for more adventures tomorrow. What a fitting end to another spectacular day in Southeast Alaska.