Today is the last full day of our expedition in the Peruvian Upper Amazon and we have several activities and choices. Before breakfast, we take advantage of the early hours of the day by exploring Iricahua Caño by skiffs. We had many rewards from the very beginning, we spotted many bird species and enjoyed the magical peacefulness of the surroundings.  The highlights were a couple of troops of saddle-backed tamarins, monk saki monkeys and squirrel monkeys.  An unusual sighting of a pygmy owl made the morning very special for our birdwatchers.

Soon after all of us were onboard we started a long journey navigating towards our next destination for the afternoon activities. Just before lunch we learned how to prepare the most famous and traditional Peruvian drink, the Pisco sour. This now iconic cocktail was prepared following the recipe provided by our excellent bartender, Mario Alvan.

Late in the afternoon we explored Puerto Miguel. We had an early kayaking outing along Yarapa Caño. After the kayakers came back we all went to explore Puerto Miguel Caño by skiff. This rather narrow creek was accompanied by the beauty of the huge green walls of vegetation that grow along the banks. After the ride we went to pay a short but meaningful visit to Puerto Miguel Community. In this painteresque village there is a colorful and rather big artisanal market.  Many children were around. Their curiosity, cheerfulness and naiveté were a tonic for all of us.  We shared a great time with the village people looking around and witnessing how simple but beautiful life can be in such a remote location.

A spectacular barbeque dinner with lively music and dancing was a golden finale for an unforgettable expedition.  After all these days exploring the mighty Peruvian Upper Amazon, our guests will carry it in their hearts and minds forever.   Everything we learned and experienced made us dream about a better future and gave us inspiration to protect our blue planet.