Our last full day of exploration of the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve in Peru was filled with all the required ingredients that have made this expedition a memorable one with great animal sightings, cultural experiences with the local inhabitants of the area, wonderful company and excellent meals with regional flavors. It might sound like a cliché but unfortunately this week has gone so fast.

This morning we explored “Iricahua Caño” by skiff rides. This narrow water channel, is covered with a thick vegetation with many huge Ficus trees. Several species of colorful birds like tanagers, parakeets, trogons and toucans were seen as well as an Amazon squirrel. This creek is very pristine, very few people come to this remote paradise, just few fishermen make their way out here. We encountered one who was very friendly and showed us the catch of the day.

Before lunch time, we had a “Pisco sour” elaboration demonstration conducted by Delfin II barman Issac Soria. To the cheerful tune of lively music our guests showed their skills shaking the drink behind the bar. It was a lot of fun!

In the afternoon we explored Puerto Miguel by skiffs looking for wildlife. In the way back we stopped by the community to visit a large handcrafts’ market. This center gathers all the beautiful creations of the local women of this town. In fact, most of the ship’s dining room tables’ decorations are made by these hard-working women.

Later at the evening we watched the slide show of the pictures of the week and had a great barbeque farewell dinner with music included that was a golden finale for a spectacular and memorable expedition.