As we explored Iricahua this morning on our skiffs, we found a recently fallen tree blocking our way. The tree trunk was laying across the narrow creek, barely above the water. But our skiff-drivers don’t get daunted easily. The first boat-driver picked up speed with the skiff and raised the propellers quickly as it hit and skid over the tree. It almost made it over, but then got stuck.

As the driver and the guide jumped out of the boat on top of the tree to try to push it out, the driver from the second boat came and gave it a push. Strong enough for the first skiff to clear-out completely the tree, but too fast for the driver and guide to be able to jump back in! They were left stranded on the tree, as the skiff drifted slowly upstream without driver or guide, but full of a group of happy and cheerful guests, laughing and taking photos.

Before long, the current returned the skiff back to the tree and the driver and guide could jump back in. Just one more of the many funny anecdotes of spending time exploring the outdoors!