We started our day very early with a wet landing on a black sandy beach where turtles come to lay eggs throughout the year. A few steps from the beach, we encountered a medium-sized tortoise who walked up to us and seemed to gladly pose for our avid paparazzi! A great beginning.

We continued our walk and saw some beautiful male land iguanas warming themselves along the path. This process helps in their mobility and energizes them in order to find food. Land birds like finches, mockingbirds, and doves also live here. These and many more are great subjects for photos. The morning came to an end with some of us taking a quick refreshing dip in the ocean.

The afternoon was no less exciting and offered various activities like kayaking along the coast of Tagus Cove, and wildlife watching. Penguins, turtles, cormorants, sharks and rays, as well as sea lions, are all common here.

Later, we went snorkeling and found an endless number of marine creatures. We saw the always marvelous and unique Galapagos penguin catching fish and coming to check us out, the graceful sea turtle, and playful sea lions.

Some guests took an invigorating fast-paced hike to a nearby ash cone which offered a fantastic view of the saltwater lake locked into it. Its vivid colors, clothed with picturesque Palo Santo trees, make the scenery outstanding. Others took it easy and chose to go for a Zodiac ride along the coast where more interesting wildlife could be observed. What a wonderful close to another day in the incredible Galapagos Islands.