What a wonderful day we had today.

Early in the morning we woke up navigating toward the largest island in the archipelago, Isabela Island. With calm ocean and clear sky, today we saw common dolphins as they were elusively having their breakfast. Soon after we crossed the equator and reached our next visitor site, Punta Vicente Roca. Here we started our Zodiac ride along the coast searching for different wildlife, Galápagos penguins, flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, and seabirds of differ kinds.

The sea was a bit choppy today as we swung from one side to the other just like our green pacific turtles. Here is a picture with our guests having fun while getting a bit wet with the ocean-splash. We had a blast.

Back onboard we had our lunch and a talk about the human history of the Galápagos while we navigated towards Fernandina Island, the youngest of all islands in the Galápagos. This visitor site is surreal; we were surrounded by brand new lava flows setting a tone of the beginning of it all. Here we saw a large number of marine iguanas and sea lions and also along the way we found our next nonflying bird, the flightless cormorant, on a nesting site with a brand new 10 days old chick. Today we also saw a snake endemic to Fernandina Island which means it cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

The sun set as we admired such a wonderful day. Now we are all in bed sleeping, ready to start another wonderful adventure on our next visitor site. Our expedition has reached its peak and we have all bonded with each other and, through respect and coexistence, we have also bonded with all creatures and the Galápagos.

I hope to see you one day my dear reader. I hope for you to be touched by this magic feeling in the “Enchanted Islands.”