Today National Geographic Islander sailed to the western part of the archipelago. Early in the morning, at around 8:30 a.m., we crossed the equator as we navigated around Ecuador Volcano, one of the six volcanoes that emerged independently to form Isabela, the largest island of the Galapagos.

Later in the morning, we snorkeled around Punta Vicente Roca. The conditions were ideal and the visibility was perfect to spot dozens of green sea turtles, flightless cormorants, a few Galapagos penguins, sea lions, and fur seals.

In the afternoon we sailed to Fernandina Island, the baby of the Galapagos Islands. The last eruption happened in September 2017. At Punta Espinosa, we saw dozens of marine iguanas basking. In addition, several females were fighting for access to nesting sites. We also observed a Galapagos hawk feeding on a female marine iguana that was a little too busy digging her nest: a clear and vibrant reminder that nature does not hold back for guests at the Galapagos!