Today we navigated to the western islands of the Galapagos and early in the morning we arrived at Isabela Island, the largest island of the Galapagos Archipelago. During our time, we crossed the Equator, went on a Zodiac ride, and snorkeled along the shores in search of Galapagos penguins, flightless cormorants, blue-footed boobies, sea lions, and a rare fish known as ocean sunfish.

While back aboard for lunch, we headed to Fernandina Island. We made a dry landing, and for two miles we were surrounded by hundreds of marine iguanas. Grouped together, they are called a mess of iguanas.

We later went back on board for our recapitulation and an impressive lecture about social sustainability. Then we completed the day with a barbeque dinner among volcanoes.

We are having an outstanding time in the Galapagos Islands.