Today we visited the Island of Isabela and two beautiful visitor sites-Urbina bay and Tagus Cove.

During the morning we woke up anchored next to Alcedo volcano in a place that is famous in the Galapagos. Urbina bay was an area that in 1954 was uplifted due to the magmatic activity of Alcedo and five square kilometers came up within a day. After breakfast we went ashore for a walk to enjoy this unique place. As the years have passed, the uplifted land has been covered by a thick forest of muyuyo and poison apple trees. This is also a place where giant tortoises and land iguanas are found resting and eating the numerous leaves of the plants found here.  For the younger explorers there were Zodiac driving lessons, which they thoroughly enjoyed.

Later in the day we moved to Tagus Cove which used to be a whalers and navigators anchorage place because it was protected from the wind and currents around Isabela. While we were anchored, whales passed by using the same route their ancestors did a couple hundred years ago.

The weather was perfect for the multiple water activities, so we started with kayakers who explored the bay littered with seabirds and graffiti from ancient travelers. Snorkelers enjoyed sea lions, tropical fish, penguins and cormorants. Later there were the options to hike, kayak or to take a Zodiac ride. On the walk the scenery was decorated by the setting sun. For those who went on the Zodiac ride, penguins, cormorants and more whales bid them farewell as this wonderful day came to a close.