After a night of excitement watching Fernandina erupting, we woke up a half hour later. We have an easy morning, with a trail rather short and flat. After a wet landing, we began walking along a narrow path, and a much-vegetated area allowing bigger reptiles to thrive. Urbina Bay is not as barren and dry like other areas of Young Isabela Island, therefore along the path we could find some of the largest land iguanas of the archipelago.

After the walk, which was somehow warm despite this season, cold, most group members went into the water just for a swim.  Everyone enjoyed just having fun in the water, floating, relaxing, and laughing.

We had to be back on board just around eleven so we could continue northward on to Tagus Cove Isabela, a full afternoon is awaiting for us.

Upon arrival into Tagus Cove, everyone noticed the graffiti painted along the cove’s walls, reminders of the Galapagos old and recent human history. Today the sun shines inviting all of us to enter the water either snorkeling, kayaking, paddle boarding and zodiac ride.

Being on the western islands, gives the opportunity to see an important group of animals such as the flightless cormorants and penguins or even once again marine iguanas on shore, perhaps some real big ones.

 A hike, up and along the rim of a tuff cone filled up with ocean water is awaiting for us, it is a lake, Darwin’s lake, we cannot miss this scenery, and at the same time historical site.  Who knows, perhaps Darwin navigated by this coast and also ruthless pirates and whalers looking for protection in this narrow and hidden cove.

Our expedition leader, Paula, contacted the National Park Service, which confirmed the eruption was still going on, so the ship lifted Anker so we could go and see what is going on, we got there after dinner, the flame is still there, not as big as last  night.  We were so lucky, just to be there at this precise moment.