We spent the day at Isabela Island, visiting Urbina bay in the morning for a nature walk which our guests loved. Fortunes of an already enjoyable day further improved once we came upon a number of Alcedo giant tortoises! We found male and female tortoises and a young tortoise along the trail. There was great cloud cover, and the Galapagos land iguanas were all over the trail, with several territorial males keeping their guard up for trespassers. Urbina Bay has a green and lush vegetation. Plants play an important role in providing shade during the warmer days.

In the afternoon, we visited Tagus Cove, a site historically used by sailors to rest on land and look for food and potable water. Now the cove is hotbed for snorkeling, kayaks, and Zodiac rides along the shoreline. We later went on an invigorating hike up to the rim of a tuff cone marked by wonderful sightings and weather conditions. Galapagos is a dream destination if there ever was one!