Today we arrived at Urbina Bay, located in the middle of Isabela Island. In 1954 the land in this area experienced an uplift, a rare phenomenon which exposed a myriad of marine relics that now dot the landscape. Walking through the arid zone we had the opportunity to view and learn more about the native and endemic plants that surround this trail. Along the way we observed a couple of giant tortoises, several land iguanas, and dozens of finches, each one of them following their daily routines. We spent some time on the beach, where penguins and pelicans were feeding around our guests for at least an hour. We also saw two flightless cormorants. As we took the Zodiacs back to the ship, we understood how interactions with these unique species make this experience unforgettable.

Ecuadorian lunch was a success in the dining room, where we were introduced to the crew and the fresh local produce from our country. In the afternoon National Geographic Endeavour II moved to Tagus Cove. In the 1800s this protected bay was an important shelter for ships that visited the islands. Sailors and pirates marked the cliffs with graffiti, leaving behind tangible echoes of the past. The towering cliffs surrounding the cove offer a vantage point to gaze upon the indomitable forces of nature that sculpted the Galápagos.

Guests enjoyed kayaking and snorkeling, and later we took a hike to Darwin Lake. This saltwater crater lake offers a glimpse of the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this arid landscape. The super blue moon was rising while Zodiac rides were cruising in another part of the bay. We ended this stunning day with smiles on our faces.