Isla Angel de la Guarda offered a stunning geologic kaleidoscope of colors and patterns. Rains have been good this past winter and the drainages leading up to the rust, ochre, and olive-hued hills were liberally sprinkled with desert flowers.  Passionflower was in full bloom and lynx spiders were lurking about the blossoms ready to grab a pollinator as an easy meal. The flower fiesta continued when we anchored at Bahia de los Angeles and focused our attentions towards the peninsula and the boojum forest. We entered the mystical, magical forest of contorted plants that seem to have sprouted from a fertile imagination. Desert sand verbena carpeted the desert in vibrant purple hues, brittlebush dotted the landscape in brilliant yellows and cholla cactus kept us busy dancing between the desert shrubs. We returned to the National Geographic Sea Bird at sunset, confident that the boojum trees were shortly going to shake out their thorny skirts and dance in the moonlight of the quarter moon.